The use of Media and Business for managing crisis

Media and business

Crisis management

A critical function in media is it can be a medium to use to handle crisis. A corporate crisis is a significant business disruption that stimulates extensive news media coverage. The resulting of Civil society can affect the organization’s normal operations and also can have a polotocal, legal, financial, and governmental impact on its business.
A Crisis is any event with the potential to negatively affect the reputation and health or credibility of the organization. According to experts, an effective crisis management plan must include this step :

1.Prepare for Action
The corporate must have prepare from a long time, don’t start to take action and create a division only when the crisis appears.

2.Communicate quickly but accurately
Civil society can judge the news and any information released from a company. Knowing this a company must communicate quickly to respond a crisis, and acurately use a media to communicate the message.

3.Use the internet
Use the internet to caught the attention

4.Do the right thing
When respond to a crisis, don’t take action that can make the company suffer more and hurt the reputation badly.

5.Follow up
After doing all those step, seek the way to make the reputation restore more quickly.


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