Currently I'm using the Blackberry One, the daily charged program for using Blackberry Internet Service.
Every morning when you used the Blackberry One service from XL Indonesia you'll receive notification for paying the service like this :
Pulsa Anda telah dikurangi Rp 2.500,- untuk meneruskan layanan Blackberry One Harian
Ussualy I pay twice as much currently I receive... Looks like I get some promotional program for using their service... If this price last longger... I'll keep using the BIS... Or else I'll switch to iPhone n using 3G data connection...
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!
New Price for Blackberry Internet Service in Indonesia
Diabetes Melitus
Symptoms and Conditions diabetes mellitus patients
The second leg cramps and often feel a tingling, sometimes the vision began to feel less well and was a blur, which Defecation and urination than usual but also the patient's condition was never nausea and vomiting.
Patients feel the body was felt feverish, sometimes feel diruangan temperature gets hot, sometimes cold.
Headache, body feels less comfortable, the heart beats faster
One cause of this disease is the lack of dietary control, smoking, lack of exercise, and others.
With patient data remains secret, and used as a reference daat learning and discussion, and if you want to be the reference treatment please consult your nearest doctor.
Here is a patient data:
Age: 54 years
Gender: Male
Address: Banjar Asri
MRS Date: July 30, 2009
Disease History Today:
The patient came to the emergency room with complaints
The wound on the right leg since 2 months before
MRS, festering wounds, pain and
increasingly emerged as a boil membesar.Awalnya
that grew larger and itching and
solved solely by the patient. The patient was treated for injuries to the general practitioner.
Patients not allergic to the medicine and food
KU: Fair
Awareness: Compos mentis
Signs - vital signs:
Blood pressure: 110/70 mmHg,
lay, his right arm
Nadi: 85 x / min, strong, regular
Temperature: 36.5 ° c (Axiller)
RR: 18 x / min
BB / TB: 61 kg / 171 cm
Head and Neck:
Hair: Normal
Eyes: Anemia (+), Icterus (-), Cataract (-)
Nose: Dyspneu (-)
Mouth: Cyanosis (-)
Ears: Secret (-)
Neck: Enlargement kel.Getah Bening (-)
Enlargement Kel.Tiroid (-)
Inspection: symmetrical form
Palpation: symmetrical right and left
Percussion: resonant right and left
Auscultation: Cor: S1 S2 regular single
Pulmo: rh - / -; wh - / --
Inspection: Supel
Auscultation: normal intestinal Noisy
Palpation: Undulasi (-), Tenderness (-)
The liver and the lien is not palpable
Percussion: Tympani (+), meteorismus (-)
Superior: (-/-) ulcers, Oedem (-/-)
Inferior: (+/-) ulcers, Oedem (+/-)
there is pus and blood, granulation tissue (+)
Date 30/7/09:
GDA: 267 mg / dl
BUN: 17.2 mg / dl
Creatinin: 0.9 mg / dl
WBC: 23.6 / mm
HB: 6.9 g / dl
HCT: 19.5%
PLT: 394,000 k / ul
Date 31/7/09:
Urat acid: 3.3 mg / dl
Cholesterol: 137 mg / dl
Triglycerides: 115 mg / dl
Albumin: 2.6
Globulin: 2.9
AST: 24
ALT: 19
Date 1/8/09:
GDA: 77 mg / dl
BUN: 18.6 mg / dl
SK: 1.0
Date 1/8/09:
GDA: 103 mg / dl
Planning Diagnosis:
The right photograph Pedis
Treatment Planning:
Infusion RL 20 gtt / min
INJ. Ciprofloxacin 2 x 1 g
Inj.Metronidazole 3 x 1 g (IV)
Inj.Antalgin 3 x 1 (IV)
INJ. Ranitidine 2 x 1 amp
PRC transfusion 1 Kolf / day s / d HB ≥ 10 mg / dl
G 2100 calorie diet
Treat Injury
Planning Monitoring:
Signs - vital signs
Planning Education:
G 2100 calorie diet
Injury Treatment
Is gangrene?
Gangrene is a disease that occurs because the blood supply is cut off, causing the cell death
Gangrene may also occur due to surgical and trauma wounds
15-25% of diabetics will suffer from ulcers / gangrene
Diabetes is the leading cause of amputation in the case nontraumatik (8 out of 10)
Morbidity and mortality
Reamputasi ipsilateral 8-22%, 26-44% contralateral
13-40% mortality at 1 year, 35-65% at 3 years, 39-80% in 5 years
Translated with Google Translate.... Thank You
Posted by Christian Gamas at 12:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: Diabetes Melitus, Health
It's now the holiday... watching movie time :D
It's now the perfect times to watching all my movie collection.... And here.... we... Go....
Posted by Christian Gamas at 11:42 AM 0 comments
Labels: Daily activity
New iPod Line Up Products, September 9, 2009
It maybe too late and you can see it by yourself in that Apple has already announced the new line of iPod Touch, iPod Shuffle, iPod Nano....
For the iPod Touch, many speculative and rumor news that mentioned it'll have a built in camera, but the new upgrade is more faster and more size in new iPod touch line up.... The iPod Touch for a while not having a built in camera, it seems Apple will be focusing the iPod touch as their handheld gaming platform....
The small upgrade from the Small Talk iPod... the iPod Shuffle is it started from 2 Gigabytes... so you can have more affordable and more smaller option when you want to buy the new Shuffle... and also it comes with several new colors...
The great and the stars of the show is the new iPod nano, it can record a small video using built in camera, it can play and tune in to your favorite radio station... tagging the music played by your radio station (if supported by the station itself) and buy the tagged songs from radio in iTunes store, and you also can play, rewind and else the broadcast.... The new Nano have a lot upgrades.... It's a nice one... It's not just a simple and small media player with built-in fm radio tuner... the New Nano are good.... Very nice... :D
Posted by Christian Gamas at 11:19 AM 0 comments
Labels: Apple News
iTunes 9 and Surprise in Your iPod Shuffle
Last month I'm just get my new iPod Shuffle (the 4 gigs model with silver color painted on it), the new one as you know is very small and dont have any control button in the device's body... so we can control it by only using the remote control in the headdset... the minus is we can't use the so called high qualiy third party vendor headset in this shuffle... but the plus one is you can't be totally deaf when you're using it.....
The Surprise is comming to guessing what's next in your shuffle.... although you can (now you can... yes it's true) organized your playlist... you can be also make the iTunes 9 filling your empty space with song(s) inyour itunes Library by checking in this combo box :
So... if you choose playlist "All Songs" you are listening to the playlist that you are never-ever created, sometimes, especially in my country... we store too many mp3 files in hard drive and didn't have much time to listen to them all... well with this new iPod Shuffle and iTunes 9... you can listen the "Unknon" and "Unexpected" track :D
Sometimes you don't like surprisingly momment, and if that case happen, if you prefer to hear your must favorites songs in your shuffle, then just check the Recently Played and Top Rated Playlist to sync list in your Shuffle device sync music setting.
Posted by Christian Gamas at 11:05 AM 0 comments
Labels: Apple Tips And Trick
Using Spaces to keep your desktop organized
Have you ever experienced this one? you opened to many apps in your computer, sometime you watch the report in PDF and need it to be still opened so you can quote it later easily, while working with pages 2009, and you need to switch (sometimes) to Windows XP because the Microsoft Office in Mac can't running some VBA and Macro..... and sometimes you need to explore the internet so you must keep the browser open to avoiding waiting time.... and then you'll see your desktop display will be like this one :
One thing I Like about Mac OSX Leopard (and above, since the new Snow Leopard also have this incredible features is, the existence of Spaces features for organizing your desktop when you working in your computer and using several apps for working and fun.... and to keep you working and have fun in same time is possible in Mac OSX, since you use computer that designed to working and not a computer that designed to make you tired :D
To keep your desktop organized we can combine Spaces and Exposure to making it more easier for use.... open your system preference....
Go to Expose and Spaces and click the icon to open the preference.....
And click the Spaces tab.... you can add more rows or columns to added more desktop Windows....
After that, give a come back visit to Exposure tab and set them all like this (or your favorite preferences)
Go to the screen edge where your setting can triggered the spaces apps, and you'll see all windows like this when spaces active and you use all windows event in spaces mode
And from that conditions, to make all things simple, why don't you spent a little time to organized your opened ap
plication and move all of them by dragging the application, one-by-one to another desktop, and grouping them all manualy....
Just drag and drop it....
In my example my final setting will be like this :
The Top-Left Desktop is my desktop where I'm put all my Safari Browser opened, the Right-Top is the desktop where I put other finder windows connected to anther Mac, so I Can access all old files and documents, the left-bottom desktop is the place for Windows XP VM-Ware emulation, and the last right-bottom I'm put all IM Client and mail window opened.... In this case I'm only using 2x2 size Spaces... you can add more desktop spaces n the preference.... hope this will help you to keep you organized and make your workhour fun and efficient :)
Posted by Christian Gamas at 5:15 AM 0 comments
Labels: Apple Tips And Trick