Surrogates, a review from me

Hello all, I'm back again :D and here's my quick and dirty review after watching this movie....
I'm trying to be honest about this movie, and because I'm trying to be honest, I Hope nobody angry at me teehee.... :D

Okay, first of all, I'm not gonna spoil anything about the storyline in this review, and the reason to make this review in my blog as fast as I can is just because I want all people read about this movie in my blog while it's still fresh and warm (still hot I Hope).

The reason that make me want to watch this movie is because of Bruce Willis appearance as main protagonist nothing else, and because of the unique theme in this movie, I'm planning to watching this movie... but before I'm going too far, have you see Die hard 4.0 / Live Free or Die Harder before? If you have, you'll have a dejavu feeling when you see the trailer and the whole movie.

When you saw Die Hard 4.0 as a trailer and whole movie, you'll saw the difference between the trailer and whole movie and get to a conclussion, the trailer is making you a high expectations about the whole movie, and when you watching the movie, you don't see your expectations in the whole movie.

I'm expecting a great plot in this movie, and I hope Surrogates can be more dramatically and intense as one of my favourite movie, the I-Robots, because they have share some common idea, but after seeing this movie... I'm just dissapointed because what I see is only another remake and some change from I-Robots....

The main idea of I-robots is about how the creator of robots revoution can make a change in human history, and the efforts from the creator of the robots to make the world change after the revolution that the creator changed before into a new way of what should be done by using several plot and plan, and the main protagonist accidentally involved in the plan.

Surrogates, just like I-Robots have the same themes, although the use of robots in both movie are differents and the ending isn't have a same way as a solution, but they have a same meaning from my oppinion.

This movie is begin with a case of murder of someone special that can be a beginning of an investigation about conspiracy of a big company and FBI, and then as we see at trailer, the main protagonist will saving the humanity of human without using a surrogate robots.

This movie will make you boring, but not because the movie is a bad movie, but because it tailored to make you boring, and I thing this happened because the main protagonist are trapped in a condition of boring life because of addictive use of surrogate robots, I think if Bruce Willis not doing good on his role in this movie as good as he can, we can't enjoy this movie lol.....

This is not a great movie, but it isn't a bad movie either.... I think as a scinece fiction movie, they don't push it with maximum effort to make it at maximum capacity, why I say that? because I think the theme used in this movie have a great potential to be presented better, but I don't see something special in this movie, and in my opinion I Robots are much better than this movie....

What's your oppinion about this movie? is it worth to collect this movie in DVD or Blu-Ray? Please share your oppinion!

Super Street Fighter IV

Street Fighter IV... this new series will be likely to follow teir predecessor to have various edition as a new game for the next month...

Capcom will released the Super Street Fighter IV, with new caracter, and new add on in gameplay system as a new stand alone game and will be not distributed as a downloadable content.

For more information about this "not so new game with a little inprovement" check this link :

Sebuah Pendahuluan Terhadap Manajemen Strategi

Hallo... kembali lagi pada salah satu artikel manajemen saya yang bertopik manajemen strategik, pada kali ini saya akan menjabarkan sifat dari manajemen strategik, dan bagaimana tahapan implementasi didalamnya, dan mengapa penerapannya menjadi penting dan dampaknya pada perusahaan yang menggunakannya secara benar dan yang mengabaikannya dalam contoh nyata yang kecil...

Saya tahu saya bukanlah siapa-siapa dalam topik pembahasan kali ini, namun berikut ini adalah sebagian rangkuman dari buku manajemen strategi dan beberapa literatur yang saya baca seperti dari buku the Apple Way dan film pirrates of sillicon valley, I Hope you enjoy my articles....

So here we go :

Currently I'm writing this article for my Master degree assignment, and since we don't use english as our major language, I'm currently writing this one in Indonesian, if there's any request to write in English, please let me know by emailing me at :, and I promise you, I'll give my time for translating it, for now you can use tool like google translate for translating this article... :D

Part 1 The Nature Of Strategic Management

1.1 Mendefinisikan Manajemen Strategik
Manajemen Strategik dapat dikatakan sebagai seni dan sains dalam melakukan formulasi, penerapan, dan evaluasi keputusan lintas-fungsi yang objektifnya adalah untuk mencapai tujuannya. Manajemen Strategik berbicara tentang bagaimana mengintegrasikan pemasaran, keuangan, akuntansi, produksi, operasi, penelitian dan pengembangan, dan sistem informasi terkomputerisasi untuk mencapai kesuksesan organisasi. Tujuan utama dari manajemen Strategik adalah melakukan eksploitasi dan menciptakan peluang yang baru dan berbeda untuk masa yang akan datang.
Manajemen Strategik lahir sebagai istilah awalnya pada tahun 1950, dan menjadi populer pada tahun 1960 hingga 1970. Dan pada saat ini dianggap sebagai salah satu cara untuk menjawab berbagai macam permasalahan. Pada tahun 1980an metode terdapat berbagai planning models yang belum memberikan hasil yang memuaskan hingga manajemen strategik terkesampingkan. Pada tahun 1990an manajemen strategik mulai dilihat kembali dan digunakan secara luas dalam dunia bisnis.
Pada intinya manajemen strategik adalah rencana dari perusahaan untuk berkerja. Bila diibaratkan dalam sebuah permainan olahraga, rencana kerja perusahaan ini dapat diibaratkan dengan rencana strategi permainan sebuah tim olahraga, dimana tim yang baik memiliki strategi permainan yang baik untuk dapat sukses dalam kompetesi.

1.2 Tahapan-Tahapan Dari Manajemen Strategik
Tahapan dari manajemen strategik adalah formulasi strategi, implementasi strategi, dan evaluasi strategi. Formulasi strategi sebagai langkah awal meliputi hal-hal sebagai berikut :
Mengembangkan visi dan misi
Identifikasi peluang dan ancaman dari luar organisasi
Mengenali kekuatan dan kelemahan organisasi
Menetapkan objektif jangka panjang
Membangun strategi alternatif, dan
Memilih strategi yang akan dicapai.

Hal-hal baru yang dapat disertakan dalam melakukan formulasi adalah menentukan bisnis baru yang akan dimasuki atau ditinggalkan, alokasi sumber daya, dan lain-lain.
Karena tidak ada organisasi yang memiliki sumber daya tidak terbatas, maka pengambil keputusan harus menentukan strategi alternatif yang akan memberikan organisasi keuntungan yang paling tepat. Formulasi strategi mempengaruhi organisasi pada produk yang spesifik, pasar, sumber daya, dan teknologi dalam periode waktu tertentu. Para top manager memiliki kemampuan untuk memahamu dari perspektif yang terbaik tentang bagaimana meracik dan mengolah keputusan formulasi dari keputusan strategi, sehingga mereka memiliki otoritas untuk menentukan dan memberlakukan strategi yang dibutuhkan untuk proses implementasi.
Implementasi strategi membutuhkan perusahaan untuk menentukan secara pasti objektif annual, kebijakan yang sesuai, memotivasi pegawai, dan mengalokasikan sumber-sumber daya sehingga strategi yang telah diformulasikan dapat dieksekusi. Proses implementasi strategi ini meliputi pengembangan kultur yang mendukung implementasi dari strategi, menciptakan struktur organisasi yang efektif, melakukan pengarahan ulang upaya dari pemasaran, menyiapkan budget, mengembangkan dan mengutilisasikan sistem informasi, dan menyeimbangkan kompensasi pegawai dengan performanya dalam organisasi.
Proses implementasi seringkali disebut juga sebagai “tahap beraksi” dari manajemen strategi. Dalam tahap ini dilakukan mobilisasi pegawai dan manager untuk mengubah formulasi strategi menjadi tindakan. Sebagai tahapan tersulit dalam manajemen strategi, implementasi strategi membutuhkan disiplin pribadi, komitmen, dan pengorbanan. Implementasi strategi yang sukses biasanya bergantung pada kemampuan manager untuk memotivasi pegawai yang biasanya hal ini lebih cenderung berupa seni ketimbang pengetahuan. Strategi yang telah diformulasikan tanpa implementasi yang sesuai tidak memberikan hasil yang berguna, sehingga kemampuan interpersonal tersebut yang menentukan implementasi itu dapat berhasil atau tidak.
Evaluasi strategi adalah tahapan akhir dari manajemen strategik. Manager perlu mengetahui apakah strategi yang digunakan sudah berjalan dengan baik atau tidak, dan evaluasi diperlukan untuk mengetahui penyebab yang menyebabkan eksekusi strategi tidak berhasil, atau menentukan langkah selanjutnya atau perubahan terhadap apa yang sudah berhasil atau terjadi. Perlu diketahui bahwa setiap strategi adalah subjek dari perubahan yang diperlukan karena faktor internal maupun eksternal selalu berubah-ubah.
Terdapat tiga aktifitas evaluasi yaitu (1). Melakukan review terhadap faktor eksternal dan internal yang berada pada strategi yang saat ini sedang digunakan, (2) mengukur performa, dan (3) mengambil tindakan untuk mengoreksi. Evaluasi diperlukan karena kesuksesan yang terjadi saat ini tidaklah dapat menjamin kesuksesan di masa yang akan datang. Kesuksesan selalu menciptakan permasalahan yang baru dan bisa berbeda sama sekali.
Salah satu contoh bagaimana strategi yang konsisten digunakan setelah pada suatu kesuksesan tidak bisa membuat kesuksesan berlanjut terus menerus dapat kita perhatikan pada industri teknologi, dimana Apple Computer Inc. yang sukses dengan produk Apple I, Apple II, menuai kegagalan berturut-turut dengan produk mereka selanjutnya dimulai dari Apple Lisa, Apple Newton, dan proyek-proyek berikutnya yang membuat Steve Jobs pada akhirnya dipecat dari perusahaan yang ia bangun sendiri.
Pemecatan Steve Jobs terjadi karena kurang nya kemampuan beliau dalam melakukan formulasi strategi dan implementasi dikarenakan kemampuan interpersonal yang kurang baik, dalam beberapa literatur telah diketahui bagaimana Steve Jobs menekan dengan keras karyawannya untuk berkerja 90 jam per minggu untuk menciptakan apa yang dia inginkan dan bagaimana dia menciptakan suasana kurang membangun dan cenderung memecah-belah antar tim dalam organisasi perusahaannya sendiri yaitu dengan sengaja memotivasi karyawannya yang berada dalam tim Apple II dan tim Lisa untuk saling menghina dan membenci. Apa yang terjadi pada perusahaan ini selanjutnya juga menjadi tidak lebih baik karena kepemimpinan dan kesalahan formulasi strategi seperti memberikan lisensi produk pada perusahaan lain seperti yang dilakukan kompetitornya juga tidak memberikan hasil yang memuaskan, selanjutnya saat Apple Computer telah siap untuk terus mengubah dan mengevaluasi strategi secara rutin dan tertolong dari kebangkrutan hingga sebagian sahamnya dibeli oleh kompetitor utamanya yaitu Microsoft, pada akhirnya perusahaan ini berangsur pulih dan bangkit kembali.
Sebaliknya, contoh lain dari manajemen strategik yang sukses dapat kita lihat dari contoh brilian yang terdapat dalam perusahaan Microsoft. Mereka yang berkerja di Microsoft bukanlah penemu yang selalu mengeluarkan sesuatu yang baru, namun penentuan visi dan misi yang jelas, hingga apa yang ingin mereka capai dan periode waktu yang jelas hingga evaluasi yang baik memberikan mereka kesempatan dari sebuah perusahaan kecil yang dulunya berkantor di kamar sebuah motel menjadi perusahaan pembuat software terbesar dengan market share sebesar 90% dalam industri teknologi informasi.


Nah, untuk pertama kalinya saya akan menuliskan first impression dan sedikit review dari film Traitor yang baru-baru ini gua tonton di bioskop.... Bagi yang nggak tau ini film apaan n merasa ini bukan film terkenal yang layak tonton, coba deh baca review gw ampe habis... terkadang seperti buku, film gak bisa dilihat dari covernya atau pemerannya :D
Untuk sementara saya akan menuliskan review ini dalam bahasa Indonesia, so for english reader... you need to wait for reading the english review for this movie, because it's seem I can't trust the Google Translate quality for translating more of my article again.....

Oke, bagi yang belum tahu film traitor ini apa, bisa melihat trailer nya di youtube deh... disini :

Ide cerita dari film ini adalah menegaskan bahwa terorisme itu seakan menolak dan menunjukkan bahwa setiap orang didunia ini, apapun agama dan kepercayaannya tidak pernah menginginkan dan membenarkan terorisme, dan menegaskan sekali lagi bahwa terorisme itu adalah tindakan yang dilakukan orang-orang yang licik dan memanfaatkan kepercayaan orang lain untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri dengan mempermainkan emosi orang lain.

Tokoh utama dalam film ini, bernama Samir, memiliki masa lalu yang kelam, sehingga membuat dirinya menjadi seorang muslim yang taat dan alim dan membenci terorisme. Disini akan kita lihat bagaimana sepak terjang Samir dalam membongkar jaringan teroris dengan cara layaknya menyiram api dengan bensin. Dan dalam aksinya yang cukup "Rahasia" (yup saya tidak akan menspoilerkan isi film ini, walaupun film ini cukup lama rilisnya, yaitu tahun 2008 kemarin), Samir akhirnya menarik perhatian seorang agen FBI bernama Roy Clayton.

Nah yang menarik dari film ini adalah mereka seolah menjembatani antara dua kubu, Samir adalah seorang berkebangsaan Amerika, dan beragama Islam yang sangat alim dan berkulit hitam yang benar-benar minoritas dan menjadi wakil dari kondisi dunia saat ini yang menganggap orang Negro dan Muslim itu identik dengan kekerasan saja (ingat saya menulis menganggap, bukan berarti saya rasis lho ya... tapi menurut saya itu anggapan dunia saat ini) yang merupakan pribadi yang lembut, taat beragama, dan tidak menyukai aksi terorisme sehingga pada akhirnya melakukan operasi rahasia untuk mengobrak-abrik jaringan terorisme.

Sedangkan Clayton adalah agen FBI yang Amerika bangt... berkulit putih, dan untuk menyeimbangkan dengan peran dari Samir, adalah seorang Kristiani yang sangat taat dan mempelajari Islam saat kuliah dan berada dalam kondisi netral untuk tidak menghakimi bahwa golongan agama tertentu itu lah sumber terorisme melainkan orangnya.

Kedua karakter tersebut benar-benar berbeda secara penampakan fisik dan agama yang dianut, namun mereka memiliki kesamaan yang pada akhirnya terkuak dalam film ini, sehingga dari awalnya Clayton mengejar Samir... pada akhirnya Clayton bahu-membahu dengan cara tak terduga untuk membasmi sebuah jaringan teroris.

Film ini benar-benar digarap dengan apik, dan bila melihat judulnya... TRAITOR... yap kita akan melihat banyak pengkhianatan terjadi dalam film ini, pengkhianatan pada kemanusiaan, pengkhianatan pada teman, dan pengkhianatan pada idealisme... dan saat konklusi dari film ini muncul... kita akan bertanya dalam diri kita sendiri, apakah pengkhianatan untuk tujuan yang baik itu bisa dibenarkan? dan sebagai film konspirasi-spionase yang digarap dengan isu sosial yang cukup sensitif... film ini dengan baik berhasil menghapus anggapan bahwa tidak ada agama atau idealisme manapun yang membenarkan untuk membunuh sesama, dan apabila ada organisasi yang melakukan hal tersebut... itu merupakan tindakan dari orang tidak bertanggung-jawab yang memanfaatkan kepolosan orang lain yang alim dan tidak mengerti apa yang benar... disini kita melihat sosok Samir yang dengan keras menentang idealisme teroris yang dibongkarnya karena dia pun menolak ide untuk menyakiti sesama walau berbeda agama dan ras.

Terdapat banyak kejadian yang membuat kita bingung, apa yang akan dilakukan oleh Samir dalam situasi multi kepentingan, dan bagaimana dia dapat menyelesaikan misi rahasianya itu sementara karena teramat rahasianya dirinya pun dikejar juga oleh pihak yang berwajib yang sebenarnya pun merupakan pihak yang sama, dan bagaimana Samir nyaris terbunuh dan kuatnya rasa persaudaraan dalam jaringan terorisme yang terjadi... Semuanya terangkai dengan cerdas dalam film besutan Jeffrey Nachmanoff ini...

So bagi yang belum menonton film ini, saya sarankan untuk membeli DVD Originalnya di website online ataupun toko kesayangan original anda (saya tidak tahu apakah versi resmi Indonesia sudah ada atau belum, namun bila tidak ada, coba lah beli original nya lewat toko DVD Online), DVD ini sangat berharga untuk ditambahkan dalam koleksi anda, karena banyak pesan dan isu sosial yang diangkat dan bukan tipe film yang berusaha memecah belah, namun merupakan film yang berisi pesan bahwa terorisme itu bukan lah musuh dari satu pihak agama dan ras tertentu saja.... namun merupakan musuh semua pihak yang tidak mengkehendaki saling menyakiti sesama manusia, apapun agama dan ras mereka.... sebuah film yang manis....

Confession Of A Shopaholic

Movie Review (Review Versi Indonesia)

Confessions of Shopaholic

“Film yang dapat digunakan untuk belajar banyak hal, apakah anda seorang marketers? Anda bisa dapat banyak hal yang bisa anda pelajari untuk membuat klien anda mengeluarkan lebih. Apakah anda seorang konsultan perencana keuangan? Anda bisa tahu bagaimana pola-pola yang tidak masuk akal dalam mengeluarkan uang, dan apakah anda seorang pecandu belanja? Film ini akan membuat anda berkata, ya saya mengalami hal seperti itu…. Dan jika anda pecandu film… film ini jelas dapat anda nikmati karena sangat menyegarkan, baik dari sisi komedi nya, maupun dari sisi emosionalnya yang romantis dan menyegarkan”

Data Film
Judul Film : Confessions of Shopaholic
Genre : Comedy - Romance
Sutradara : P.J Hogan
Produser : Jerry Bruckheimer
Penulis Skenario : Tracey Jackson, Tim Firth, Kayla Alpert, Sophie Kinsella (books)
Studio Produksi : Jerry Bruckheimer Films
Distributor : Touchstone Pictures
Bahasa : English, Finnish
Durasi : 104 minutes

Tanggal Rilis : USA 5 February 2009, Indonesia 11 March 2009, Japan 30 May 2009

Data Lainnya
Aspek Rasio : 2.401
Sound Mix : Dolby Digital 5.1 (DVD)

Tagline : All she ever wanted was a little credit...

Pemeran Utama : Isla Fisher, Hugh Dancy, Krysten Ritter, Joan Cusack, John Goodman, etc.

Berdasarkan pada buku "Confessions of a Shopaholic" dan "Shopaholic Takes Manhattan" oleh Sophie Kinsella. Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) adalah wanita berusia 25 tahun yang tinggal dengan sahabatnya Suze (Krysten Ritter) di flat milik Suze(temannya, dan Rebecca membayar sewa yang jauh di bawah harga pasar), di bagian kota yang trendi. Rebecca memiliki pekerjaan yang sangat membosankan menulis untuk majalah keuangan. Dia memiliki kecanduan belanja dan pekerjaannya tidak dapat diandalkan untuk membayar hutangnya. Hutang dan tagihan menumpuk, jadi dia mencoba mengurangi (yang akhirnya gagal total), kemudian ia mencoba membuat lebih banyak uang (kegagalan lain).


Awalnya saat melihat poster film ini di bioskop yang bener-bener cewe banget, dan dvd original dengan box berwarna pink dan merchandise dompet pink, saya merasa film ini bukan untuk saya, tapi memang jangan pernah menilai film dari poster trailernya ataupun box dvd nya. Pesan dari dosen saya bahwa film ini adalah film yang wajib ditonton oleh seorang marketer untuk mengenali bagaimana memperlakukan kustomer membuat saya tertarik pada film ini.
Pada film ini terdapat beberapa aspek yang bisa dipelajari, namun saya tidak menganjurkan anda menikmati film ini sebagai media pembelajaran marketing, finance, dan penikmat novelnya seperti apa yang saya lakukan dan saya tidak yakin itu bukan cara yang baik untuk menikmati film. Dalam film ini kita akan melihat bagaimana Rebecca melewati proses pendewasaan dirinya agar dapat dewasa dan mengakui bahwa dirinya adalah seorang shopaholic (pecandu belanja) hingga akhirnya menepis anggapan bahwa ada lebih banyak hal yang lebih berharga yang akan hilang apabila dirinya mempertahankan keibasaan buruknya itu.
Film berdurasi 104 mnit ini dapat membuat anda terus tertawa dengan berbagai kejadian yang terjadi didalamnya, deretan pemeran yang sangat sesuai dengan karakter yang mereka perankan membuat film komedi ini merupakan komedi yang patut anda koleksi dan anda tambahkan dalam daftar koleksi anda, dan hal-hal yang lucu dalam film ini bukan hanya soal bagaimana kegilaan dn tingkah laku Rebecca dalam berbelanja saja, namun bagaimana kebetulan-kebetulan akhirnya mengorbitkan Rebecca menjadi salah seorang kolumnis terbaik yang dikagumi dari rubrik yang secara tidak sengaja akhirnya menjadi terkenal di majalah keuangan, bukan karena kemampuan Rebecca dalam berhemat dan mengelola keuangan, namun karena gaya konsumtif dan kebiasaan buruknya selama ini.
Seiring dengan berjalannya cerita, berbagai kebohongan membuat masalah menjadi semakin pelik dan semakin runyam, dan dalam kondisi terdesak akhirnya Rebecca memutuskan sesuatu dan mengambil tindakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah yang selama ini ditumpuk dengan dewasa, pertanyaannya adalah, berhasilkah Rebecca untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan ini dengan solusi yang telah ia pikirkan dan lakukan? Tonton sendiri film komedi yang unik ini, mungkin sudah terlambat untuk menontonnya di bioskop kesukaan anda, namun tidak ada salahnya anda mampir ke toko dvd kesayangan anda atau membeli dvd secara online dan membeli dvd ini untuk anda tambahkan dalam daftar koleksi anda.

English Version (By Google Translation, sorry don't have time to re-write in English, because from the first time this review is intend to be writen in Indonesia for other website)

Confessions of Shopaholic
"The film that can be used to learn many things, whether you are a marketers? You can be a lot of things you can learn to make your clients spend more. Are you a financial planner consultant? You can know how the patterns that do not make sense in spending money, and whether you are a shopping addict? This movie will make you say, yes I experienced something like that .... And if you are addicted to the movie ... this movie obviously you can enjoy because it is very refreshing, both from the side of his comedy, as well as the emotional side of the romantic and refreshing "

Film Data
Film Title: Confessions of Shopaholic
Genre: Comedy - Romance
Director: P.J Hogan
Producer: Jerry Bruckheimer
Scenario Writer: Tracey Jackson, Tim Firth, Kayla Alpert, Sophie Kinsella (books)
Studio Production: Jerry Bruckheimer Films
Distributor: Touchstone Pictures
Language: Bahasa Indonesia, Finnish
Duration: 104 minutes

Release Date: 5 February 2009 USA, Indonesia 11 March 2009, Japan 30 May 2009

Other Data
Aspect Ratio: 2401
Sound Mix: Dolby Digital 5.1 (DVD)

Tagline: All she ever wanted was a little credit ...

Main Cast: Isla Fisher, Hugh Dancy, Krysten Ritter, Joan Cusack, John Goodman, etc.

Based on the book "Confessions of a Shopaholic" and "Shopaholic Takes Manhattan" by Sophie Kinsella. Rebecca Bloomwood (Isla Fisher) is a 25-year-old woman who lives with her best friend Suze (Krysten Ritter) in Suze's flat (his friend, and Rebecca to pay rent far below market price), in a trendy part of town. Rebecca has a very boring job writing for the financial magazine. He has a shopping addiction and his work can not be relied upon to pay its debts. Debt and bills piling up, so he tried to reduce (which ultimately failed miserably), then he tried to make more money (another failure).


At first when I saw this movie posters at movie was really cewe banget, and dvd with original box and merchandise pink purse pink, I feel this movie is not for me, but it should never judge a movie trailer from a poster of his or dvd box. Message from my professors that this movie is a movie that must be watched by a marketer to know how to treat customers makes me interested in this film.
In this film there are several aspects to be learned, but I do not recommend you to enjoy this film as a learning media marketing, finance, and connoisseurs of his novel as what I do and I'm not sure it's not a good way to enjoy the movie. In this film we will see how Rebecca through her maturing process in order to grow up and admit that she was a shopaholic (shopping junkie) to finally dismissed the notion that there are more things more precious to be lost if he keep it keibasaan bad.
104 mnit length movies can make you laugh with various events that happen in it, the row player that best fits their character perankan make this comedy is comedy that you deserve your collection and add in your collection list, and the things that funny in this movie is not just about how insanity dn Rebecca's behavior in the shop alone, but how coincidences Rebecca orbit eventually became one of the best columnist who admired the rubric which accidentally became famous financial magazine, not because of Rebecca's ability in save money and manage finances, but because of consumer style and during these bad habits.
As the story goes on, many lies to make the problem become more complicated and worse, and in crowded conditions Rebecca finally decided on something and take action to solve this problem for stacked with adults, the question is, Rebecca successfully to solve this problem with solutions that have been he was thinking and doing? Watch the film this unique comedy, probably too late to watch the movie of your choice, but it never hurts you stop by the store or your favorite dvd buy dvd online and buy this dvd for you to add in your collection list.

christian Gamas,,

What's new in Snow Leopard

The new upgrade from Apple for intel based machine Macintosh Computer, the upgrade is known as Snow Leopard or Mac Os X 10.6

The upgrade can boost your intel based Mac up to 1.5x. Snow Leopard have new features like Grand Central Dispatch, 64 Bit computing arcitechture, and Open CL.

Grand Central Dispatch

This technology can improve their process from multi-core processors in the latest intel processor like intel core 2 duo series. This feature can break down the process from all programs to make use all core in their machine to make the program running faster and optimal.

64 Bit technology
It can be used to detect your RAM up to 16 million Gigabytes RAM, and all core application in Mac OSX are re-written in 64bit platform so it can be running faster. Looks like Apple not just adding 64 bit for the labels or branding only, but change the whole computing experience.

Open CL
In past day ago... your graphich card only improve the graphic processing apps or 3D apps, but in Snow Leopard, the new Open CL technology will be improving the whole systems from their GUI graphic performance.... So if you have more fastest graphich card, it will be improving the graphic processing in whole systems.

If you have Intel based Mac and not yet upgrading to Snow Leopard, you MUST update now :D

Is Mac Expensive???

When I'm recomending Mac computers to my friends, ussually they say that Mac computers is expensive and hard to use or Mac is not better than PC... But when we see the fact when you're using your computer not just for typing and want to do some more usable things, you should try Mac Computers.

Nowadays buying a new mac computers isn't expensive anymore... from the hardware specifications it can give you more advantages than other notebook... from my experience there are so many advantages from Macbook.

Currently I'm using macbook pro 13"
The advantage from using this macbook pro are :

1. LED Display
2. Motion Sensor for HDD safety, it can help extend your HDD Life and prevent bad blocks in your HDD.
3. Backlit keyboard
4. They have great and nice cooling systems, each enclosure have their individual temp sensors.
5. Unibody and alumunium exterior, it's a good looking machine and have a good heat management system.
6. Multi touch gesture track-pad, up to four finger.

Mac computers are nice... I'm love it, they have great Operating System and have a great hardware too... Love it so much :D

It may be a litle expensive, but when we see their hardware, and we see the features from their Operating system, there are no headache and foolish problems, and there are so much fun when using mac computers, and do many creative things using iLife.... I Can say, it's worth every cent to buying Mac computers.

Is the digital compass is worth to upgrading your Apple iPhone??

Just reading the new Macworld Indonesia Oct 2009, one of the comment that make me grin....
"I realy don't need compass when hang out, except I'n getting lost in a jungle. It make me look fool if I'm walking in mall and then loudly says 'Go to north, we need to go to north now"

But surelly the digital compass is a good things in iPhone... But I'll think to grab my iPhone 4rd gen.... The 3GS is not for me I think...

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

New Price for Blackberry Internet Service in Indonesia

Currently I'm using the Blackberry One, the daily charged program for using Blackberry Internet Service.

Every morning when you used the Blackberry One service from XL Indonesia you'll receive notification for paying the service like this :

Pulsa Anda telah dikurangi Rp 2.500,- untuk meneruskan layanan Blackberry One Harian

Ussualy I pay twice as much currently I receive... Looks like I get some promotional program for using their service... If this price last longger... I'll keep using the BIS... Or else I'll switch to iPhone n using 3G data connection...

Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung Teruuusss...!

Diabetes Melitus

Symptoms and Conditions diabetes mellitus patients

The second leg cramps and often feel a tingling, sometimes the vision began to feel less well and was a blur, which Defecation and urination than usual but also the patient's condition was never nausea and vomiting.

Patients feel the body was felt feverish, sometimes feel diruangan temperature gets hot, sometimes cold.

Headache, body feels less comfortable, the heart beats faster

One cause of this disease is the lack of dietary control, smoking, lack of exercise, and others.

With patient data remains secret, and used as a reference daat learning and discussion, and if you want to be the reference treatment please consult your nearest doctor.

Here is a patient data:

Age: 54 years

Gender: Male

Address: Banjar Asri

MRS Date: July 30, 2009

Disease History Today:

The patient came to the emergency room with complaints

The wound on the right leg since 2 months before

MRS, festering wounds, pain and

increasingly emerged as a boil membesar.Awalnya

that grew larger and itching and

solved solely by the patient. The patient was treated for injuries to the general practitioner.

Patients not allergic to the medicine and food



KU: Fair

Awareness: Compos mentis

Signs - vital signs:

Blood pressure: 110/70 mmHg,

lay, his right arm

Nadi: 85 x / min, strong, regular

Temperature: 36.5 ° c (Axiller)

RR: 18 x / min

BB / TB: 61 kg / 171 cm

Head and Neck:

Hair: Normal

Eyes: Anemia (+), Icterus (-), Cataract (-)

Nose: Dyspneu (-)

Mouth: Cyanosis (-)

Ears: Secret (-)

Neck: Enlargement kel.Getah Bening (-)

Enlargement Kel.Tiroid (-)


Inspection: symmetrical form

Palpation: symmetrical right and left

Percussion: resonant right and left

Auscultation: Cor: S1 S2 regular single

Pulmo: rh - / -; wh - / --


Inspection: Supel

Auscultation: normal intestinal Noisy

Palpation: Undulasi (-), Tenderness (-)

The liver and the lien is not palpable

Percussion: Tympani (+), meteorismus (-)




Superior: (-/-) ulcers, Oedem (-/-)

Inferior: (+/-) ulcers, Oedem (+/-)

there is pus and blood, granulation tissue (+)


Date 30/7/09:

GDA: 267 mg / dl

BUN: 17.2 mg / dl

Creatinin: 0.9 mg / dl

WBC: 23.6 / mm

HB: 6.9 g / dl

HCT: 19.5%

PLT: 394,000 k / ul

Date 31/7/09:

Urat acid: 3.3 mg / dl

Cholesterol: 137 mg / dl

Triglycerides: 115 mg / dl

Albumin: 2.6

Globulin: 2.9

AST: 24

ALT: 19

Date 1/8/09:

GDA: 77 mg / dl

BUN: 18.6 mg / dl

SK: 1.0

Date 1/8/09:

GDA: 103 mg / dl


Planning Diagnosis:

The right photograph Pedis

Treatment Planning:

Infusion RL 20 gtt / min

INJ. Ciprofloxacin 2 x 1 g

Inj.Metronidazole 3 x 1 g (IV)

Inj.Antalgin 3 x 1 (IV)

INJ. Ranitidine 2 x 1 amp

PRC transfusion 1 Kolf / day s / d HB ≥ 10 mg / dl

G 2100 calorie diet

Treat Injury

Planning Monitoring:

Signs - vital signs

Planning Education:

G 2100 calorie diet

Injury Treatment

Is gangrene?

Gangrene is a disease that occurs because the blood supply is cut off, causing the cell death

Gangrene may also occur due to surgical and trauma wounds


15-25% of diabetics will suffer from ulcers / gangrene

Diabetes is the leading cause of amputation in the case nontraumatik (8 out of 10)

Morbidity and mortality

Reamputasi ipsilateral 8-22%, 26-44% contralateral

13-40% mortality at 1 year, 35-65% at 3 years, 39-80% in 5 years

Translated with Google Translate.... Thank You

It's now the holiday... watching movie time :D

It's now the perfect times to watching all my movie collection.... And here.... we... Go....

New iPod Line Up Products, September 9, 2009

It maybe too late and you can see it by yourself in that Apple has already announced the new line of iPod Touch, iPod Shuffle, iPod Nano....

For the iPod Touch, many speculative and rumor news that mentioned it'll have a built in camera, but the new upgrade is more faster and more size in new iPod touch line up.... The iPod Touch for a while not having a built in camera, it seems Apple will be focusing the iPod touch as their handheld gaming platform....

The small upgrade from the Small Talk iPod... the iPod Shuffle is it started from 2 Gigabytes... so you can have more affordable and more smaller option when you want to buy the new Shuffle... and also it comes with several new colors...

The great and the stars of the show is the new iPod nano, it can record a small video using built in camera, it can play and tune in to your favorite radio station... tagging the music played by your radio station (if supported by the station itself) and buy the tagged songs from radio in iTunes store, and you also can play, rewind and else the broadcast.... The new Nano have a lot upgrades.... It's a nice one... It's not just a simple and small media player with built-in fm radio tuner... the New Nano are good.... Very nice... :D

iTunes 9 and Surprise in Your iPod Shuffle

Last month I'm just get my new iPod Shuffle (the 4 gigs model with silver color painted on it), the new one as you know is very small and dont have any control button in the device's body... so we can control it by only using the remote control in the headdset... the minus is we can't use the so called high qualiy third party vendor headset in this shuffle... but the plus one is you can't be totally deaf when you're using it.....

The Surprise is comming to guessing what's next in your shuffle.... although you can (now you can... yes it's true) organized your playlist... you can be also make the iTunes 9 filling your empty space with song(s) inyour itunes Library by checking in this combo box :

So... if you choose playlist "All Songs" you are listening to the playlist that you are never-ever created, sometimes, especially in my country... we store too many mp3 files in hard drive and didn't have much time to listen to them all... well with this new iPod Shuffle and iTunes 9... you can listen the "Unknon" and "Unexpected" track :D

Sometimes you don't like surprisingly momment, and if that case happen, if you prefer to hear your must favorites songs in your shuffle, then just check the Recently Played and Top Rated Playlist to sync list in your Shuffle device sync music setting.

Using Spaces to keep your desktop organized

Have you ever experienced this one? you opened to many apps in your computer, sometime you watch the report in PDF and need it to be still opened so you can quote it later easily, while working with pages 2009, and you need to switch (sometimes) to Windows XP because the Microsoft Office in Mac can't running some VBA and Macro..... and sometimes you need to explore the internet so you must keep the browser open to avoiding waiting time.... and then you'll see your desktop display will be like this one :

One thing I Like about Mac OSX Leopard (and above, since the new Snow Leopard also have this incredible features is, the existence of Spaces features for organizing your desktop when you working in your computer and using several apps for working and fun.... and to keep you working and have fun in same time is possible in Mac OSX, since you use computer that designed to working and not a computer that designed to make you tired :D

To keep your desktop organized we can combine Spaces and Exposure to making it more easier for use.... open your system preference....

Go to Expose and Spaces and click the icon to open the preference.....
And click the Spaces tab.... you can add more rows or columns to added more desktop Windows....

After that, give a come back visit to Exposure tab and set them all like this (or your favorite preferences)

Go to the screen edge where your setting can triggered the spaces apps, and you'll see all windows like this when spaces active and you use all windows event in spaces mode

And from that conditions, to make all things simple, why don't you spent a little time to organized your opened ap
plication and move all of them by dragging the application, one-by-one to another desktop, and grouping them all manualy....
Just drag and drop it....

In my example my final setting will be like this :

The Top-Left Desktop is my desktop where I'm put all my Safari Browser opened, the Right-Top is the desktop where I put other finder windows connected to anther Mac, so I Can access all old files and documents, the left-bottom desktop is the place for Windows XP VM-Ware emulation, and the last right-bottom I'm put all IM Client and mail window opened.... In this case I'm only using 2x2 size Spaces... you can add more desktop spaces n the preference.... hope this will help you to keep you organized and make your workhour fun and efficient :)

Corporate Social Responsbility Is an important agenda for business sustainability

Today many people seeing and take more attention to our social and ethical problems in our planet, and more and more people became more awareness to their consumption pattern, and they only wanted to buying from supplier that have fair trade will and green products.

Corporate Social Responsbility (CSR) it's not just a fancy things or something that can make a company name, brand, or marketing tools for increasing their value, but CSR is an action that must've been done and take for company sustainability as an effect from more aware and cautious customers.

The document that embeded in this article (created in Indonesian language) summarized the data for demand of CSR action from customers, and several arguments that CSR is more than marketing tools or something that can increase brand equity. Today... CSR is a part of business process.... and as a part of business process, it will affect in business sustainability for surviving the competition.

My argument can be read in this document below :

Corporate Social Responsbility

Portfolio Management Indostock Report

My research about portfolio efficiency is over, and this is the result

The original document (writen in Indonesian language) can be viewed at this one:

Indostock Portfolio Report

Home, Movie Review

Movie Review
Home "This movie reminds us all, it's time we as humans care will the balance of nature that existed long before the presence of mankind, a film that makes us love our Earth .... The house of ours together "

Film Data
Film Title: Home
Genre: Documentary
Director: Yann Arthus-Bertrand
Producer: Luc Besson, Dennis Carot Scenario
Writer: Isabelle Delannoy, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, Denis Carot, Yen Le Van.
Studio Production: Elzevier Films, Corp. Europe., France 2
Distributor: Arte Cinema, SPI International, Shaw Organization, Europa Fimes, Feelgood Entertainment, France 2 (FR2), Hollywood Classic Entertainment, Lark Films Distribution, MEED Films, National Geographic Channel, Twentieth Century Fox, YouTube.
Language: English, France, Russian, Spanish, Germany
Duration: Various, USA 118 min, Portugal 114 min, 120 min Long Version
Release Date: Simultaneously throughout the world on June 5, 2009 (World Environment Day)

Other Data
Aspect Ratio: 1.78:1 Sound Mix: Dolby Digital, DTS.
Unique Fact: The film, financed by the PPR (parent company of Gucci, Redcats, FNAC, Conforama, CFAO, Puma, etc.) with a non-profit purposes.
Tagline: A Stunning Visual Portrayal of Earth

Main Cast: Glenn Close (Narrator, English)


In the year to 200,000 of human existence on earth, human existence have made the chaos and anger in the balance of the planet Earth which requires four billion years of evolution to be balanced. Price which must be paid for this damage is very expensive, but it's too late to be pessimistic, humans have ten years to change the trend is happening right now, become more sensitive to what happens in exploitation of natural wealth, and changing consumption patterns. This film brought us all unique scenes from fifty countries, all shown from the air, by sharing with us about the desire and concern for his own, from the film, Yann Arthus-Bertrands provide fundamental ideas that make us appreciate what we see, and while appreciated, together we build again. Trailer Full movie trailer and on channel:

My Review
Do not imagine this film as a boring movie and is a film that can bring you the success of sleep asleep when you walk in the video stores and find the dvd of this movie, because this movie is one of the best documentaries available and capable makes you fascinated with the visual quality and the messages contained therein. Mostly the film is trying to remind us of how human is a species that is only 200,000 years old and managed to damage within 10 years will destroy all life earth, which has struggled to blend into one in the relationship mutual benefit for four billion years. Some of these films facts show how humans as a species of thought take advantage of 4 billion years of the formation of the earth and how in humans 200,000 years the earth brought to the brink destruction.

One of the interesting things from this film is not a movie film made the interests of profit, this film's success is measured by how many people who watch this movie and change their consumption patterns. So this movie can be downloaded freely on the internet, copied, and watched through Youtube legally. I myself get this film from My colleague who is chairman of one of the non-governmental organizations, Initially when I received the DVD of this movie I thought that this film will boring as any other documentary films, as well as to to confess, I just watched this movie three months after I received DVD is and how much I regret not watching this movie earlier. As casual film lovers in general, not a documentary film is something interesting in my life. But this movie makes me wonder visual quality, all parts of this film was recorded over the air very well, and after watching the DVD version of it, I download version of High Definition for playback in High Definition television. Music of the film is also very dramatic, the narrative of this film which contains data how humans destroy the earth, accompanied with scenes that are presented with music that matches the theme is presented, and his music could actually make the data that you can actually read dikoran or the Internet becomes the fact that you can not ignore and you hold full. Is remarkable this film is the story line, how the natural resources which has created 4 billion years of earth's formation out quickly because people demand more speed and more than what is already accepted at this time. Taking this film is also taken more than 50 countries, and also and shows that our earth is a unity, and responsibility for our actions can not be limited by boundaries terotorial because we demand action processed products, fresh vegetable imports contribute to the drying up of the Jordan, and still many other examples. The final part of this film gives us the facts that if humans continue to like this and maintain their consumption patterns in order to provide opportunities for multinational companies to continue to exploit nature, then in a shorter time our earth will not be a house that could gives us a chance to survive. And because of our earth not been home to humans only, then it's time for people to keep their own homes with regular lives and maintain their consumption patterns, something done by other species over 4 billion years and maintain order on earth, if other species can live well for it, why humans only bring in 200,000 years in the destruction of our earth? Something interesting enough for us to make reflections and can add our knowledge that what we are doing our environment, affect other parts of the earth, because we live in a house same .... Planet Earth .... The film is very good for you to watch together with family.

As a whole the visuals are incredible, the music is brilliant, and data-the latest data about the environment, is a film that could you enjoy with family and also can be used to teach ourselves and our family members that became the responsibility the actions of yourself is important and not the result of actions responsibility can be accepted by yourself, the environment and other people in the foreseeable future.

This document originaly typed in Indonesian, translated with Google Translate

Christian Gamas,, @

Dell Netbook 1011

Placing my new netbook with Windows XP From The rECOVERY dvds... and then.... the wifi isn't working... dunno why.... but looks like I Can't depend on companion disc... and go to manufacture website

Suramadu Bridge TVC Recomendation

The longest bridge in Indonesia... the bridge is connecting people who want to travel from Surabaya to Madura or vice versa...
The TVC Concept are introducing Suramadu Bridge, and show that people from Madura are friendly....
The Bridge are the fatest way for people who want to get to Madura easily and fast....

The Video created with iMovie 2009... some scene are taken from Sony Handycam and iSight Macbook Pro..... The "high five" scene are taken from (thank you.... this is not my work... because we only have 3 days for working this concept and just for fun... and don't have time for take the scene ourself.... but I assure you we don't use this for commercial use, we doing this one just for fun)

Enjoy the video..... more place to go.... VISIT INDONESIA

MP3 Clips